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by Caryl Teh

Fasting during the month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars, or duties, of Islam that is mandatory for all healthy adult Muslims. Some fast for the sake of health. But during Ramadan, physically abstaining from food particles is practised for its spiritual significance. Today we are going to explore briefly what actually happens in your body over the course of the month.

Phase 1: Days 1-3

During the first couple of days of fasting, both your blood sugar level and blood pressure drop. Your body starts the cleansing process. The first few days are the hardest as they are usually accompanied by headaches, dizziness, nausea and intense hunger.

Phase 2: Days 4-7

During the second phase, your body becomes accustomed to the fasting schedule and the digestive system is able to rest. Your digestive system focuses its energy on cleansing the body and healing cells, as the white blood cells in the body start to become more active. During this phase, your organs start their repair process as well.

Phase 3: Days 8-19

By the third phase, your energy levels will have increased, your mind is able to concentrate better and an overall feeling of wellness overtakes you. The healing process becomes a lot more efficient and the body repairs damaged cells. During this phase, the colon, liver, kidney, lungs and skin are detoxing by eliminating toxins.

Phase 4: Days 20-30

During the last 10 days of fasting in Ramadan the body has become accustomed to the fasting process. Your body becomes more energetic and you experience improved memory and concentration. At this phase, the organs are finishing up their healing process, and once all toxins are removed the body is able to function at its maximum capacity.

Phase 5: Hari Raya Syawal (disclaimer: this section is a joke based only on personal anecdotes, not scientific research)

You become disorientated – your appetite becomes so voracious that you start to hallucinate and see ketupat and rendang everywhere. An increased intake of fat from thoroughly enjoying Hari Raya feasts increases your body weight dramatically. Your blood pressure sky-rockets, especially when you see your bank account balance dwindling closer and closer to zero and it’ll be a while until you receive your next pay cheque.

We hope this helped you learn and laugh a little. Ramadan is at its halfway point, so to all our Muslim colleagues, keep a clear focus on the reason why you are fasting, and Hari Raya will come sooner than you think. You can do it! Salam Ramadan Al-Mubarak!
