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Every year on 22nd September, cities across the globe celebrate World Car Free Day. This day has been designed to encourage all of us to give up our cars for a day!


Image source: Freepik

Cars are undoubtedly convenient and offer a number of benefits to get around. However, excessive carbon emissions from cars affect the environment. Research proves that as of today, an estimated 1.4 billion cars travel the roads throughout the world. Vehicle emissions are one of the main sources of outdoor air pollution, particularly in cities. Besides causing numerous dangerous pollution, scientists point to cars as contributing to global warming.

Image source: Freepik

So having a day off is highly recommended. Car free day is a massive opportunity for cities to realise how much pollution affects our lives. This day is great for raising awareness about these concerns and helps to reduce emissions. Why not try commuting by public transport to work or to run your errands? Walking and cycling will also be a great alternative. It will not only protect the environment, but also promote a healthier lifestyle.

If you’re able to, do your part to protect Mother Earth and ditch your car on World Car Free Day. It may seem like a small action, but small changes can lead to big changes!